i think the goofygoober has SAD or whatever it is cause he seems really really pleasant these days. we've been gettin on great. he's started calling me by the shortened version of my name and doin what i ask him to do immediately. this morning i picked him up from swimming and as soon as he got out the pool he came looking for me and gave me a big wave and shouted '2 MINUTES!!' and he was only 2 minutes instead of his usually dilly dally of half an hour. (this blog is like the life of the goofygoober but he's the most entertaining and so...)
anyways, we've been gettin on great and it's very refreshing. he's even made comments about not wanting me to leave. quite a few actually. last week we took our last trip to the ortho. we've been goin there every month since i first arrived here. actually, it was the first place we went when i got here. when i made his next appointment for september, the woman at the desk asked if i'd be back then and i told her no i would be home and i wasn't coming back next year hahahahahha the goofygoober then mumbled 'yes you will' and wandered away out the door with his head down HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
the summer is here! and the kids have a new schedule! let me tell it to you! do you think it would be sleepin in and lying by the pool? NO think again! the goofygoober arises at 5am and brambly hedge wakes at 5.20am they have swim practice at an outside pool from 6 to 8am sometimes 8.30am. they get home around 9am. brambly hedge has some soccer thing most days for an hour but the rest of the time she is free probably because she has soccer camp for all of next week AND she'll be in camp for the whole of august. the goofygoober on the other hand! he then has more swim practice at 12pm which finishes at 1pm. yesterday he had even more practice at 4pm and then a swim meet at 5pm. he has had quite a few swim meets over the past week.