Quite a lot of people have been speculating on the marriage of Bertie Bassetts and SpongeBob. Sunday night The Weel Stockit Farm and i came in to Bertie Bassetts running about the house like a mad man while Spongebob stood at the door of the kitchen watching him. When i smiled and said "hullo" she raised her eyebrows and smiled with only her mouth and said "He's goin to Florida and Paris."
Last week the kiddies were on holiday and The Weel Stockit Farm came to visit. For some reason, maybe it was because he wasn't at school, but the GoofyGoober seemed a lot more cheerful and willing to do whatever i asked him. Maybe he fancied the Weel Stockit Farm? The fam were away for the first weekend in Texas. Why Texas?! They said they had family there but they weren't goin to see them... strange. When Spongebob came back she complained about doin a lot of drivin- well, if you looked after your kids every day of the week you'd certainly get used to it.
On the Tuesday spongebob phoned the house a million times. She was desperate for us to go see a broadway show! Eventually she got tickets for a show called Xanado. It was mental. she didn't come. It started at 2pm so the 4 of us made out way in. For the GoofyGoobers birthday i bought him a dymo labeler. I don't think he was too sure of it at first (worst present he'd ever been given by the worst nanny he'd ever had!) But i taught him how to make a few and he got into it making up all sorts of things about George Bush and so on. He wanted to make one up about bombs and stick it in Penn Station but Brambly Hedge stopped him sayin that was the most stupid thing he could ever do!
Brambly Hedge wasn't too impressed by the show. She sat with a constant look of 'this is so stupid' on her face and the GoofyGoober had that face on at first but i saw it change as the show progressed and by the end he was wearing a big GoofyGoober smile and laughin his head off and repeating everything that was said and laughin. The Weel Stockit Farm said she would never bring her son to a show like this. It encouraged the gays.
After it spongebob told us to wander around the city until she was finished work. The GoofyGoober did not like that one bit! His new phrase is "I'm a lazy American! I'm not doing that!"
So i sat us in a park and made more labels. That day the Weel Stockit Farm and i were to meet a GoofyGoober of another kind! I don't know what i could call him except.... pinnt. Thats what we'll have to call him. "hello! this is pinnta! howr you?! whure can i meet you?!?'
"aw naw! aw naw! i jus spoke to pinnta on the phone!"
"aw naw! you jus spoke to pinnta on the phone! aaaaaaaaahhhh"
We went to central park and did some people watching. There were many jewish families goin about and we wondered if there was something Jewish goin on near by. They were all dressed up nice and the Weel Stockit Farm quite fancied a few of the jewish boyz.
After a couple of hours eating cherry m&m's and watching people we moved a long to sit at some water. We saw some russian looking people making a music vid! It was jus one girl prancing about in front of a camera.
At the moment i'm talking to someone about the GoofyGoober's sense of humour. I've found someone to take over from me so yesterday i emailed Spongebob about the person and she emailed back asking if i knew the girl well? Was she a 'good kid?' Did she have a sense of humour? "cause you know what goofygoober is like!"
Yes, i do know what the goofygoober is like and his sense of humour it totally rubbish. Nothing he says is that funny and the jokes he laughs at aren't really funny either (example: Xanado)
I think Spongebob thinks she's created some genius hilarious being that noone is ever goin to really like.
Yeh so back to last week. We never met lapinnta which was ashame cause it would have been hilarious. The Weel Stockit Farm was glad we didn't. hahahahahaha
This blog is really long it's taking me ages to do.
This morning i came into the kitchen with my eyes half closed and a hood over my heid cause it was so cold. Spongebob was there and in a good mood and making pancakes and as i walked over to the table i ran right into Bertie Bassetts chest! (this is the second time this has happened. The first time he was only wearing his pants!) He said 'hi (my name)' as he always does, in a very cheerful tone a voice and said very quickly! And he doesnt really say my name, he always says a shortened version of it. Anyways, he had some hankie thing tied round his head and some strange kind of work out gear on. Then he went out for...i dunno, a run or something. I took Brambly Hedge to school early and when i came in i caught Spongebob and Bertie Bassetts having a wee hug in the kitchen. When i walked in he moved away and she said "ew he's all sweaty" then we had a chat about the new nanny who is comin to take my place. Thankyou friend, you're saving my life and i'm savin them a lot of money by finding you!
Last night i drove around like a mad wuman goin to swimming then soccer then back to swimming then back to soccer.
The GoofyGoober argued with me at every turn and finally on the last stretch home we had a chat about the 'polution' in the air between us. We have to get rid of all the polution and stop arguing so much! He creates the polution though by being such a wee know it all. Brambly Hedge found the whole convo very entertaining.
When we got in the house I have the GoofyGoober his dinner to heat up in the microwave. Spongebob was working late. I can't remember what i'd made but there was corn and he said he didn't like that and so went around the kitchen lookin in all the cupboards to see what could make the corn taste better.
"I heard that if you put flour and corn together it makes it better."
Me-"No it doesn't. Don't do that."
Him-"Yes it does."
And so what does he do? After me telling him countless times not to put flour on the corn? He puts it on the corn. I made him eat it. All of it. He was gagging and it took him about an hour but will he listen to me next time? Yes. I did let him watch American Idol while he ate it.
No my blog didnt die a death, I'm jus taking ages to write it.
Bertie Bassetts is gone again. Singapore is the place to be this week! On friday night i came down the stairs to find Spongebob and himself having a romantic dinner. Spongebob swung round to look at me when i walked into the kitchen "
Oh (new shortened version of my name) we didn't know you were still home!"
"Well how do you think your children got to swimming then eh? " was what i thought in my head!
I'm leaving the blog here at this point and I'll do another one cause this one is long. I've got a cold btw!